從時態來看,我們知道 “would” 是 “will” 的過去式,但除了時態使用上的不同,兩者是否還有其他用法及意義的不同呢?以下我們將針對 “will” 和 “would” 提出說明,並提供相對應的範例供您參考。
1. “Will” 可用來說明某人預測、相信未來會發生或是當下正在發生的事情:
He will make it to the meeting.
Where’s mom? She will be at work.
注意:當使用 “will” 敘述當下的事情時,和現在簡單式的用法會有些差異;大致來說,現在簡單式的敘述具有肯定性,而相較之下 “will” 則帶有一點預測、保留其他可能性的意味。
舉例來說,“Mom is at work” 意指 “媽在上班”,“Mom will be at work” 則帶有一點猜測的意味:“(沒意外的話)媽應該是在上班沒錯”。
而“would” 則代表在過去某時間點對未來的預測或敘述:
We thought he would make it to the meeting.
She thought she would be the one being promoted.
2. “Will” 可用來說明習慣、固定發生的事情:
The restaurant will usually open at 5 pm.
She will get up at 5 in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, put on her headphones with her favorite podcast on, and head out for a run.
而在這個用法下,“would” 是指在過去習慣、固定發生的事情:
The restaurant would usually open at 5 pm.{餐廳以前都是晚上五點開門。(意指現在餐廳已經不是五點開門了)}
She would get up at 5 in the morning, drink a cup of coffee, put on her headphones with her favorite podcast on, and head out for a run.{她以前都是早上五點起床,喝杯咖啡,戴上耳機聽著她最愛的播客,然後出門跑步。(意指現在她已經不再這麼做了)}
3. “Will” 也可用來敘述某人願意做的事情:
I had a fight with Ann, and she won’t talk to me now.
Parents will do everything to protect their children.
而 “would” 則意指某人在過去願意做的事情:
I tried apologizing to Ann, but she wouldn’t talk to me.
My mom would let us decide what we want to do.
4. “Will” 可用來敘述某人對未來所做的承諾:
I will get back to you as soon as possible.
OK, I will be there.
相同地,“would” 就能用來表達某人在過去對未來所做的承諾。
He said he would talk to her.
She promised she would come.
5. 另外,“will” 和 “would” 皆可用來對他人提出請求,但兩者的差異在於 “would” 更為禮貌和正式。
Will you open the window for me?
Would you open the window for me?
以上兩個句子的意思都是“你可以幫我開個窗戶嗎?”,但以 “would” 提出的請求更為禮貌。
6. 最後,“would” 也可以用來禮貌、委婉地表達個人的意見或是表達自己也不太確定的意見;常見的搭配用法有:“I would say/think/imagine” 等:
I would say it is quite a risky move.
I would imagine that the manager will call a meeting as soon as we get back to the office.