1. 將句子化繁為簡:以能清楚表達為原則
“It is important that you do not leave the air fryer belonging to Amy unattended as it has a broken fuse and it could catch fire.”
可以改寫為:“Do not leave Amy’s air fryer unattended. Its fuse is broken so it could catch fire. ”
“Slower labor force growth may attenuate the problem of unemployment over the next decade, since there will no longer be a need to absorb large numbers of new workers entering the labor market.”
可以改寫為:“With fewer younger workers entering the job market, unemployment may drop over the next decade.”
2. 避免使用非正式用語
“Bad、good、big、small、better、worse、really、very、quite、great、a little bit、kind of” 等詞彙可以用更具體的字來替代,以提供更多細節並提升文章的質感。舉例來說:
“The steak tastes good.”
可以改寫成:“The steak tastes tender and juicy.”
“She looks kind of pale.”
可以改寫成:“She looks somewhat pale.”
“Carol drinks a lot of water after she exercises every day.”
可以改寫成:“Carol drinks large amounts of water after she exercises every day.”
3. 減少鋪陳、盡量使文章簡潔有力
我們在學習中文寫作時,老師常會建議我們為文章做鋪陳,但這樣的內容在英文寫作中可能被視為冗言贅字。英文作文比較平鋪直敘,在第一段就可以直接破題,提出自己的看法。一個英文寫作的大原則就是:能用越少的字數清楚表達意思越好。減少使用“there is/there are” 便是一個可以精簡文章的好方法。舉例來說:
“We may encounter many problems.” 會比 “There are many problems that we may encounter.”更簡潔。例句中的 “there are” 是填充詞(fillers),拿掉的話其實並不會影響文意。
4. 避免使用非正式縮讀字
縮讀字(contractions)是由兩個或兩個以上常常一起出現的詞彙所構成的合成字。縮讀字雖然感覺比較道地,但容易讓人感覺沒禮貌。舉例來說,“I wanna talk to you about my grades.” 會比 “I want to talk to you about my grades.” 更為不正式。
另外,有些縮讀字有兩種解讀的方式:“he’s”、“she’s” 和 “it’s” 裡的“’s” 可以是 “is” 也可以是“has” 的意思;“we’d”、“they’d” 裡的 “’d” 可以是 “did” 也可以是 “would” 的意思。
“Can’t” 應改成 “cannot”
“Don’t” 應改成 “do not”
“I’m” 應改成 “I am”
“Isn’t” 應改成 “is not”
5. 避免連寫句(run-on sentence)
連寫句的定義為:兩個或更多的獨立子句(independent clause、即「完整的句子」)連接起來、而沒有放置適當的標點符號或連詞的句子。這種句型普遍被認為是一種「文體的錯誤」,且常見於中文母語者。
舉例來說,“Netflix is an online streaming platform, it offers many movies and TV shows.” 在文法上並不正確。我們可以將這個句子改寫為:
1. Netflix is an online streaming platform. It offers many movies and TV shows.
2. Netflix is an online streaming platform, and it offers many movies and TV shows.
3. Netflix is an online streaming platform; it offers many movies and TV shows.
4. Netflix is an online streaming platform that offers many movies and TV shows.