撰寫論文時,內文需要清楚易懂,因此在緊湊的句子之中,應盡量用變化詞彙 ,如同義詞或是更精準的用詞,來替換重複的用詞。
例句翻譯:This study adopted both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
在此例句中,study 在句首和句尾各出現一次,因此可以將第二個 study替換成 research design 或其它同義字來增加文章的豐富度和閱讀性。
修正後:This study adopted both cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs.
例句翻譯:The primipara was unfamiliar with having a newborn in her family, lacked the skills required to raise her child, and felt helpless in fulfilling her maternal roles.
原文裡並沒有提到家庭一詞,因此having a newborn in her family 讀起來略顯冗長,可以將此段修正成 caring for a newborn 來更貼近原文,而 skills required to raise her child 可以改成 required parenting skills 或 childrearing skills等其它同義字來減少累贅的詞彙。
修正後:The primipara was unfamiliar with caring for a newborn, lacked the required parenting skills, and felt helpless in fulfilling her maternal role.
例句翻譯:Additionally, health education provided by healthcare personnel must teach high-risk workers to pay more attention to their health, prioritize their health over work, and practice health maintenance behavior, thereby allowing them to improve their job performance and financial well-being.
此例句總共包含39個單字,已經非常接近一般建議的上限,因此需要改寫,最常見的方式是將句子分成兩句來提升易讀性,例如將 thereby 改成 由This allows引導的另一個句子。
修正後:Additionally, health education provided by healthcare personnel must teach high-risk workers to pay more attention to their health, prioritize their health over work, and practice health maintenance behavior. This allows them to improve their job performance and financial well-being.
此種句子結構係指因歧義的文法結構,導致一個句子能以多種不同方式理解,其中又以 with 的錯誤用法為最常見的情形。
例句翻譯:This study examined consumer behaviors and satisfaction with a questionnaire survey.
在此例句中,with 是接在 satisfaction 後面,因此可能會被解讀成「本研究試圖了解消費者者行以及他們對問卷調查法的滿意度」,與原文的意思完全不同,為了避免使讀者誤會,可以將 with 拿掉,並將客體改成 questionnaire survey。
修正後:This study adopted a questionnaire survey to examine consumer behaviors and satisfaction.